Top 10 Reasons Why EPC firms choose to work with RPS Composites:
1. Technical Expertise:
EPC projects can be highly complex, and our deep technical expertise and strong understanding of the corrosion industry are highly valued.
2. Quality and Reliability:
RPS provides high performance dual laminate and FRP equipment and field services that meet or exceed industry standards.
3. Timely Delivery:
We know that meeting project deadlines is critical in the construction and engineering industries. We aim to consistently deliver products and materials on time to keep the project on schedule.
4. Cost Competitiveness:
RPS offers competitive pricing and cost-effective solutions without compromising quality, safety, or long-term value.
5. Safety and Compliance:
RPS prioritizes safety and compliance with regulations and standards. We rigorously follow our own safety training programs, adhere to safety guidelines, provide necessary documentation, and comply with industry regulations.
6. Scalability and Capacity:
With three flagship dual laminate and FRP equipment manufacturing plants in the US and Canada, and field service personnel in many parts of the US, RPS has the capacity and scalability to handle both small and large projects.
7. Collaboration and Communication:
Effective communication and collaboration are paramount to a successful project. RPS is responsive, transparent, and willing to work closely with EPC teams to address issues and solve problems.
8. Long-Term Relationships:
RPS has established long-term relationships with leading EPC firms, helping to ensure continuity and reliability in their supply chain.
9. Innovation and Adaptability:
As the construction and engineering industries evolve, so does RPS in our continuous improvement at the plant level, our experimentation with new technologies, and our innovative solutions and flexibility.
10. Financial Stability:
Suppliers with strong financial stability, like RPS Composites, are considered more reliable partners, as they are less likely to face financial difficulties that could disrupt the supply chain and overall project’s success.
If your next project requires extensive FRP composite field service or a partnership with a dual laminate or FRP equipment manufacturer, please read on.