Products provided: Customized “P” Series large diameter corrosion resistant pipe and elbow; butt & wrap joints; pipe supports
Services provided: Pipe stress analysis, shop and field assembly
Industry: Steel Processing
Location: USA
Home / Case Studies / Steel Processing / USA
Acid Wash Exhaust Stack

In the steel industry, a pickling line helps to remove dross and impurities from the end product. The steel wire or plate is dipped into or passes through a bath of hydrochloric acid and comes out smooth and clean, but it’s a hot, wet and very corrosive environment.
Exhaust from these lines is scrubbed before venting outside, but in our Customer’s situation, their polyethylene / polypropylene stack had started to fail. The stack was cracking in places and condensate was leaking onto the roof, attacking the metal siding.
The project included engineering services (pipe stress analysis), pipe supports, fabrication of the fire retardant 28” dia. FRP stack and elbow, and shop and field assembly. The stack was an impressive 70 feet long once assembled, and it was installed without issue by a third party.
The RPS Chemical Resistance Guide
We’ve developed a number of piping systems, which have been designed to provide outstanding resistance to a wide range of chemical environments. Download our Guide to explore the RPS family of HPPE (High Performance Pre-Engineered) piping systems.
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